Ian comes out of hiding!

  • Posted By Brooke Burgess Eye
  • Just before young master Kirby heads off on a two-week European ‘tour’, he decided to pop his overworked head out of his cramped techno-cave (you remember the studio from the Production Featurette? Exactly.) and hang in the sun with Drew and Tara (Drew’s main squeeze, and the same gal who played the adorable stewardess who wakes up Kamimura in Chapter 10).

    Ian’s finally moved on from the massive and all-consuming Corporation project, and is taking a bit of a breather before tackling a major editing gig (congrats, bro!). But he’s still been a huge help with all things BS, especially the Future Shop stuff ads and trailer – and is still going to be front and center at Anime Evolution in August, as well as our big BS Summer Show.

    So there’s the Saturday report from the homefront. A few of you have been asking about Ian’s whereabouts, and we agreed with GI JOE on this one – knowing IS half the battle! 🙂

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