Isn’t that the guy from that thing…?


  • Posted By Brooke Burgess Eye
  • Not many chances to roam the town or convention hall this weekend…somebody had to hold the fort and keep the Flash peeps educated on all things saintly. Honestly, I was getting pretty pissed by Day 2 – waves of noobs, armed with cards requiring confirmation stamps from the show’s exhibitors to win prizes, were shoving them under my nose at the most inopportune moments (you know…during interviews, photo ops, sales pitches, networking sessions, flirtation attempts, and fits of medicated weeping). Wish I had some audio samples of them uttering their zombie chants of ‘Staaaaaammmmmmpppp’. In a monosyllabic meta-universe, perhaps this mantra triggers the sixth chakra to open, unleasing an epic explosion of Indigo energy and psychic powers beyond our wildest imaginings. That, or Flashers really are the nerds that other nerds mock. But Ian doesn’t count…he’s just a tweener 😛

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