This is Marvel’s idea…

…of an ‘incredible animated comic’.


They should pay attention to this space. A re-assessment may be in order in a few weeks 😉

8 Responses to “This is Marvel’s idea…”

  1. epplegacks says:

    I actually didn’t hate it, but then again I was pre-disposed due to being a Kitty Pryde fag.

    Still, I saw something with better style and direction already. When the bar’s been set it’s shameful to not even hit your head when going under it.

  2. zeek says:

    Mind it’s a straight translation of a comic to an animated format and they clearly didn’t spend any money on the voice acting 🙂

    Still, I’m happy to see more people embracing the style, and being Astonishing X-men it’s already got a pretty decent creative team for mainstream comic (Joss Whedon on scripts and John Cassaday on pencils).

    And I can’t wait to see what you mysterious bastards keep hinting about.

  3. admin says:

    A couple of things, actually…from different camps, but with similar flair! 🙂

  4. Derek says:

    Yeah I didn’t care for the voice-acting at all, but I am glad that Marvel is taking on this style, I just hope that it gets much better. Plus I think they should have talk bubbles and captions.

  5. tobias says:

    hmmm. I am somewhat underwhelmed overall. Being a mysterious bastard and all!…

  6. neelo says:

    Where the innovators have scorched earth…the immitators limp feebly. It really wasn’t all that great.

  7. guppy says:

    Hmm too bad I cannot view it however haven’t marvel tried to do this in years past?

  8. admin says:

    Yeah…they did a Flash test in 99 with Kevin Smith ‘directing’ a Daredevil comic. Definitely planted a seed or two 😀

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