The Saints are Pumped! (Tues Haiku)

June 12th, 2007

Hollywood Be Damned!!!

Originally uploaded by sequence.

Down on Venice Beach

Male bonding in full effect

Or maybe just beer…


Best. Onion. Article. Ever.

June 8th, 2007

(posted by tobias)

The Onion, always clever and often cuttingly topical, have outdone themselves this time… Without further ado:

Hey, Wasn’t There Some Sort Of National Tragedy A Few Months Back?

Wait a minute. I could swear that I was recently shocked and outraged about something that felt really significant. But now I can’t for the life of me recall what it was. A senseless horror that staggered the imagination in the scope of its brutality? Something so terrible, a grieving nation was never going to be the same?

Did I dream that? I must’ve dreamt that. Because if something like that had actually happened just a few months ago, I’m sure we’d all still be hearing about it and talking about it every day…

You’d think the details of something on that level would be burned into my mind forever—burned into the whole collective consciousness of the country, for that matter. Maybe after 9/11, and Katrina, and the war, and everything else that’s been happening for the last however-many years, the collective consciousness just doesn’t have any room left for new tragedies to be burned into it…

(it goes on…)

Camelot…the Final Frontier

June 6th, 2007

One of the better homemade mashups with excellent source material 😀

Raimi Roams the World!

June 6th, 2007

Kirby’s mid-life crisis is surely Europe’s gain…

Kirby Morrow has liquidated his worldly goods and is currently trekking distant countrysides with backpack and laptop in tow…so I had the feeling that some of you Raimi fans out there might be keen on scoping his weekly blog!

Warm wishes for a safe and satisfying journey, mate…though as an honorary Saint, I’ve got the feeling that you’re in good – albeit unseen – hands 😉

Word is Bond


Un petit surprise from Cannes…

May 31st, 2007

A new Short from Mr Lynch!!!

The Best $3.50 Ever Spent…

May 28th, 2007

(Just received the following mail – been getting another wave of similar sentiments lately, but this was definitely my personal favourite…piracy be damned 🙂 )

It’s 6:56 AM in the morning, and I just stepped down from my 18th floor apartment (with ocean view) into my office at the 7th floor; I just finished the last piece of BS. I’m in China, with little to do during my break time in the middle of the week, except watch DVD’s which I buy for less than a $1 a piece.

I bought the Broken Saints DVD collection for $3.50.

It’s effect…priceless.

I loved the dialogue and the characters. I could relate to all the characters. I am Palestinian, ex-Muslim (currently in denial), hugely influenced by Western thought and culture, software programmer, into anime, cinema, philosophy, and poetry, and and I love Mysticism and the Orient. So, I guess all of the characters, quotes, dialogue speak to me in their own way. Ok, I didn’t like the touchy feely bits performed by Miss Lomilagi (sic), but I guess there has to be a soft heart underneath all the dark hard shell.

Anyways, your work really spoke out loud. I appreciate that you’re honest about your influences and that you do not pretend to cough the material up from pure inspiration. Overall, it’s an outstanding job, and I WILL watch it again.

I don’t know what’s your current status. How are the three creators doing. I hope you are alive and well, and not caught in your own maelstrom of fame and fortune. A big thank you to all of you, and I hope that one day, with my own band of brothers in arms (we are the artistic types as well), I will be brave enough to do what you have done. Needless to say, I am spreading the word about BS, not only as a work of art, but as a process and a work ethic.



May 28th, 2007

(posted by tobias)

“President Bush, without so much as issuing a press statement, on May 9 signed a directive that granted near dictatorial powers to the office of the president in the event of a national emergency declared by the president…. When the President determines a ‘catastrophic emergency’ has occurred, the President can take over all government functions and direct all private sector activities…”

… hmmm…. The president, by a unilateral directive of his own signing, can now declare a state of emergency and do pretty much ANYTHING HE WANTS, including SUSPENDING ELECTIONS INDEFINITELY, without any recourse to or oversight by congress. So let’s see… a terrorist action on home soil… at just the right time… but hey, come on, how likely is that? Err, anyone want to put money on it? My guess is that the folks with real money already have.

If Michael Moore’s a SICKO…

May 26th, 2007

…then what does that say about the rest of us??? (at least concerning Health Care in the western world???)

Brokeback Mountain: An Honest Dissection

May 24th, 2007

From the makers of 40 Year-Old Virgin, this is a cut scene from their upcoming Seth Rogan romp Knocked Up.

Laugh, bitches


point – counterpoint…

May 24th, 2007

(posted by tobias)

thought I’d post a couple of differing opinions this time on the issue of the day: compromise…

First, under the heading ‘Keith Olbermann tears THE ENTIRE US GOVERNMENT a new one…

… second, Jeffrey Feldman offers a completely different viewpoint.
