I hear that 40 is the new 30…

  • Posted By Brooke Burgess Eye
  • Man, but do I hate being at the tail-end of a demographic now: 18 to mutherfrikkin’ 35. ‘Young’ associates look at you like you’re seconds away from drooling senility and a hip replacement, and ‘seasoned’ peers are opening their arms for zombie-like expressions of decrepit kinship and bladder-control brotherhood.

    Fuck that noise. Today, I shall float like a pre-pubescent butterfly, and sting like a Viagra-fuelled bee. If performing monkey number 1, 2, and 3 can make 40+ work WITHOUT a makeup artist? Then watch out world…’cause this particular primate hasn’t matured enough yet to reach the metaphorical equivalent of ‘solid food’. 😉

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