Reflection…and Celebration.

  • The Seventh Shore is Calling… Eye
  • I am going on a journey.

    The first time I did this, I was sheltered and nurtered by an easy communal life and warm tribal love in Fiji. It changed me – most say for the better – and the spirit of this experience is still being felt today. That’s why you can read this. That’s why you’re here. It was the alpha for Broken Saints. An integral part of the ‘why’.

    And now I’m leaving it. Only for a little while, all things considered. A mere blip of chronology. The tiniest tick. But I AM leaving it. Behind. For this is the first time in over five years that I don’t want thoughts of work and art and technology swimming in my skull. The first time in half a decade that I am choosing to unplug – body, mind, and soul.

    I am going to trod on unseen shores. I am going to bathe in uncharted waters. I am going to drink of the sky and the sea and the sun of a new world. And I am going to reflect on who am I, and what I am ready to give…again. Something strange is on the horizon. Something powerful is calling. And something beautiful is stirring inside.

    I am going on a journey…

    …to set it free.

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