(From the Book Television website – looks like we’re airing every Friday now with Batman and The Green Hornet!!!)
10pm ET & 8pm MT
“An unprecedented event in animation, this compelling story about love and sacrifice unfolds in a strange new world on the brink of a terrible crisis. Four strangers receive apocalyptic visions and are mysteriously drawn to a dark city in the West. Their destiny – and that of the world – is tied to a global satellite network, a worldwide conspiracy, and an orphan girl with a horrifying secret.”
Scope the new trailer HERE!
Apparently we do get Book TV on C-Span 2 here in the States, or at least in the Metro-Detroit area anyways. But I still don’t know if the saints will be broadcast. *eats a box of muffin cookies in anticiapation*
I should start working this week..in which case, I’m subscribin to Book. Not because of BS entirely – I have that on DVD – but because of BATMAN
Oh, lovely, a Russian spammer; that’s exactly what this blog needs…