Ian’s a manky VIRGO!!!

Happy Birfday, YAN!!!

The Twentieth Day

of the Ninth Month of the Year

The Clock strikes…KIRBY!

9 Responses to “Ian’s a manky VIRGO!!!”

  1. Guppy says:

    Yay its Ian’s day!

    He looks good with the plunger!

  2. Matthew says:


    all my power and good wishes to you man.

  3. BigJacT says:

    Wow, talk about deer in the headlights. 😉

    Happy birthday Ian.

  4. Matt Chan says:

    Whoa. He has that look like you caught him in the act of something…

    …like turning older…

  5. Congrats, Ian, on surviving yet another year in a world where people are quite literally dying every six seconds. That’s quite an accomplishment. I salute you, sir!

  6. chapulin says:

    Feliz cumpleanos guey!

  7. Angela says:

    Now if only you guys were back in San Diego…I’d be able to bake you a birthday cake!

  8. Rexfelum says:

    Woo hoo! Ian is always a stellar character to celebrate. I mean, he did all that stuff once! You know, right?


  9. tobias says:

    hey man, let me add my belated wishes to those above. Hope someone gave you a razor or something. Not sure when I’ll be through those parts again, but perhaps before another year elapses… Who can say? Hope you are healthy and happy and creative and like that. More soon… t

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