‘Freedom to Fascism’ Trailer

Watch the entire documentary for free HERE. Seems a little rickety at first, but ramps up to some chilling observations on global economics and government – seriously worth 90min of your lives.

21 Responses to “‘Freedom to Fascism’ Trailer”

  1. tobias says:

    OK. The trailer has my attention. Hope it gets a bit more… will watch the full thing later on. Thanks for the headsup!

  2. Angela says:

    Certainly some interesting perspectives given here…Perhaps the most frightening and SOBERING moment of the documentary for me came when someone mentioned Orwell’s Big Brother idea in regards to the RFID tracking technology. For the first time in my life, I saw 1984 not as a far-fetched fiction, but as a chilling possibility.

  3. stroy says:

    “For the first time in my life, I saw 1984 not as a far-fetched fiction, but as a chilling possibility.”

    where have you been?

  4. Saggio says:

    Yeah, I saw most of this on Google video awhile back. I couldn’t stand it for a number of reasons: 1. the guy’s accent is intolerable, 2. he doesn’t understand the concept of a floating currency, 3. he equates wealth to gold – more specifically the gold standard, 4. he doesn’t understand inflation, or, 5. that the printing of money has traditionally been the domain of private banks, especially in such countries as the UK (Scotland specifically).

    His only real point is that a direct, unapportioned tax is contrary to the US Constitution.

  5. admin says:

    That’s bullshit, Sag’ – are you saying that you’re completely comfortable with entities like the Federal Reserve existing?!?! If so, you’re monumentally naive.

    Oh…and that accent? Jewish. Nice.

    And he doesn’t ‘equate’ wealth to gold…he’s just reminding us that a currency’s value used to be BASED on how much gold a nation held in reserve. Now it’s based on NOTHING.

    And BTW…we shouldn’t be paying Income Tax in Canada either. When 30-50% of your adult wages get snipped for no reason, (well, other than to line the pockets of bankers and industrialists) maybe you’ll have a different perspective on things.


  6. guppy says:


    I thought I was the only one that watched cspan.

  7. guppy says:

    Note: this response was before I clicked on the link and in response to teh photo… anyway still reading the synopsis on the website… sounds interesting.

  8. Manda says:

    “are you afraid of the IRS?…”

    “ermm…. well no, cause I’m Canadian”

    haha 😀

    Thanks B.

  9. Saggio says:

    That’s bullshit, Sag’ – are you saying that you’re completely comfortable with entities like the Federal Reserve existing?!?! If so, you’re monumentally naive.

    I never said I agreed with it. I said that it’s not exactly rare or out of the ordinary. Three seperate, *private* banks issue bank notes in Scotland. Not by the Government of the UK, or even by the devolved Scottish Parliament. It’s not horribly evil or even necessarily bad. It’s just different.

    However, would never support a policy like that since I believe in public ownership of infrastructure and certain key industries. I also believe that the government should have supremacy when it comes to formulating monetary policy. But alot of people I know who are from the US are deadset against any governmental interference in the Free Market. Having the government formulate monetary policy is a very obvious, very large intrusion into the Free Market.

    Oh…and that accent? Jewish. Nice.

    Don’t accuse me of anti-Semitism. It’s insulting to me, and it’s below you. His accent, to my ears, sounds as if he is from the American Southeast. He also sounds like he has a lisp. I find it hard to understand. That’s my problem with his accent.

    And he doesn’t ‘equate’ wealth to gold…he’s just reminding us that a currency’s value used to be BASED on how much gold a nation held in reserve.

    Yes, he does equate wealth with gold. Money is supposed to be a physical representation of how much wealth you have. If one’s wealth is determined by how much mineral in bricks they have in a vault somewhere, then he is most obviously asserting that money = gold. Indeed, when Canada (and I presume the US) were still on the gold standard, you could redeem your paper money for it’s equal value in gold. The gold standard is absurd.

    And BTW…we shouldn’t be paying Income Tax in Canada either. When 30-50% of your adult wages get snipped for no reason, (well, other than to line the pockets of bankers and industrialists) maybe you’ll have a different perspective on things.

    First of all, I pay Income Tax. I’ve filed returns since I was 16. Second, the taxation revenue that you are so loathe to pay provide the services that you and I use on a daily basis. Without the income tax, financially supporting the healthcare system would be incredibly difficult, not to mention basic infrastructure and education (and all of the other myriad of services all three levels of government provide). What sort of taxation system would you recommend, Brooke?

    Finally, we must pay Income Tax in Canada because it’s the law. Unlike the US, there is nothing in our Constitution Acts that prohibits a direct, unapportioned tax to be levied upon the electorate. If you have such a problem with the income tax, why don’t you lobby for it’s removal?

  10. guppy says:

    So I reviewed the site and reviews, then watched the preview to me I find this very old news but this could reflect my political leanings –I mean this is High School Government/Econ material. Program very sensationalist propaganda and highly melodramatic… in the economic sense. We have been a fascist state since the New Deal, its just we are lying to ourselves that our government protects us from bad corportatism since the break up of the Robber Barons, Enron, At&t (even though recently they took everything back over) and Microsoft. 😉 but the bad corps run us such as the US Postal Service, Federal Reserve, and the military industrial complex. We elect business men to run our country we do not elect politcal scientists… so how else do you think they would run this country?

  11. admin says:

    Sigggggggggggh. 🙁

  12. Saggio says:

    Come on, Brooke. Are you going to respond to me or not?

  13. admin says:

    I don’t really have the energy or inspiration, Sag’.

    I know you weren’t being racist with the accent thing.

    I can’t believe you think the gold standard is absurd. Next thing you’ll cry from the town bell-tower is that bartering deserves jail time. 😛

    There are so many corporate loopholes for tax (I know this one from experience) that I think there should be a flat corporate tax instead, as well as more sin taxes and environment-related taxes (ever read Adbusters? some really good material on revamping the tax system). When we lose 50% of our working wages for barely making a middle class salary, there’s something WRONG with the system.

  14. Saggio says:

    I can’t believe you think the gold standard is absurd. Next thing you’ll cry from the town bell-tower is that bartering deserves jail time.

    It’s absurd for a number of reasons. First, the US holds about 60 to 65% of total gold reserves in the world. Second, gold is a finite resource. When it runs out, capital will suddenly be capped and unable to grow. That’s a problem. Third, by tying the dollar (or any currency) to gold, you automatically prevent a change in value of the resource, not to mention completely stop inflation. So when there’s only one gold mine left, the value of the gold will be the same as it was when there were 100 mines. From a capitalist standpoint, it sabotages the free market.

    There are so many corporate loopholes for tax (I know this one from experience) that I think there should be a flat corporate tax instead

    Oh, come now, that’s incredibly absurd. A flat tax is completely stupid in our current system. When companies are making billions and billions of dollars (i.e. ExxonMobil), they should have to pay an equal ratio of real income than the guy who makes less. From each according to his ability…

    as well as more sin taxes and environment-related taxes

    Out and out consumption taxes are a big no-no. A flat consumption tax hurts the poor and working classes the worst, as a greater percentage of their income has to be paid out for necessities. A carbon tax, however, is something that I support, even given my general opposition to the concept of a flat tax. In this case, the taxation of over exploitation of resources and polluting of the enviroment is a very good thing, and hardly affects individuals.

    When we lose 50% of our working wages for barely making a middle class salary, there’s something WRONG with the system.

    I see what you’re saying. But you’re wrong. The two middle tax brackets are 22% and 26% of taxable income, respectively. Anything over $113 000 is only 29%! I don’t see where you’re getting this 50% business.

  15. admin says:

    “I see what you’re saying. But you’re wrong. The two middle tax brackets are 22% and 26% of taxable income, respectively. Anything over $113 000 is only 29%! I don’t see where you’re getting this 50% business.”

    No. You’re wrong. You’re not reading the fine print, my friend. When I started at EA I was taxed 35% (for a wage below 100K to start) and it just went up from there with each raise…dramatically so if I did overtime, as I’d temporarily enter another bracket. You’re not factoring in CPP and provincial taxes, as well as conditional taxes based on the industry you’re working in – essentially extensions of income tax that you’ll never see a return on in your lifetime, as the West’s monetary system will be defunct by then. You can call me a kook all you want, but I’ll be moving to European-held precious metals and land assets within a reasonable period of time, thank you very much…

    BTW, the ‘US’ gold’ is held by PRIVATE interests…not by the gov’t…so the point is moot. What EXACTLY is the dollar based on anyway??? That’s the REAL question. You’re citing old/standard economic policy and doctrine, but you’re not thinking ‘meta’. What does money MEAN? That is the question that needs to be asked, especially by someone like yourself.

    And as for flat tax, I mean flat tax with NO loopholes across the board BY industry (taxes for types). Not stupid at all if it can be enforced. And I don’t agree that consumption taxes are a no-no if it has to do with damaging issues like petrol, cigarettes, alcholol, pornography, etc – it hurts the precious working class MORE to consume them!

    Looks like we’ll just agree to disagree on this one, Sag’…if you’d like to continue, let’s move it over to the RANT forum, k?

  16. dumbwhiteguy says:


    If anyone ever puts a tax on my porno I’m going to run into the IRS building with a vest full of dynamite with rolled up penthouses as the casing and an electric fleshlight as the detonator.

  17. Saggio says:

    So, I made you your Rants thread. But you haven’t replied!

  18. admin says:

    I’m busy man…gotta earn the money to pay those taxes on 😛

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