(posted by tobias)
So, in a follow-up to Brooke’s long-ago link to the fantastic Pandora online music service, I thought I’d let you know that most (and hopefully soon all) of the Broken Saints Soundtrack is now on the system. I’ve created a rather mellow ‘station’ based on my music, which you can listen to by clicking here… and of course you can create your own, interactive stations easily.
You’ll note that the Quentin Grey tracks are present but, once again, listed under my name. I am trying to get this situation rectified, hopefully soon. Also, there is no cover or artist profile art for my stuff yet, and some of the iTunes links are broken, all of which I’m also working on. However, this probably constitutes the easiest way yet to ‘spread the word’ on the soundtrack – just forward the link to anyone you think might be interested in the Saintly Sound!
In personal news, I completed my third marathon on the weekend, this time in lovely Dresden, crossing the line with a personal best time of 3:43’52” – just inside my time goal (3:45) and more than ten minutes faster than my previous record. Not exactly nipping at the heels of the Kenyan elite, but not so bad for an old guy. Pics and more info, as usual, on my other blog…
more soon… tt
Hooray Pandora! I love this service! It’s great to see your stuff up there, T.
So happy this is finally happening, matey – will feature it on the next newsletter for sure!!!