Expecting… in more ways than one!

Mixing it up in Berlin!

Hey all, tobias here. Just to abuse my posting privileges with some more of my usual shameless self-promotion, I thought I’d mention that Athanasia hasn’t been the only one cooking something up over here. In addition to doing my father-to-be duties, I’ve been in the studio (above, a friend’s mixing suite) working on something I am really pretty proud of as well.

I posted a while back about my most recent musical project, Stillness3 (pronounced “Stillness trio” for those in the know), a kind of minimalist jazz/meditative/ambient concept group. I also linked to some samples of our preliminary jam session. Well, now would be a good time to check those out if you haven’t already, since in a very short time (as soon as I finalize the mixes) they will be removed and replaced by samples from our completed first album, which are MUCH BETTER and sound gorgeous and lush due to the stunning 9 foot Steinway concert grand and the fabulous acoustics of the Ballhaus Naunynstr, the lovely old hall we recorded in… and the collection of vintage and premium mics and preamps we assembled for the purpose. I’m really excited about these tracks, folks, and I sincerely hope you’ll dig them too and spread the word far and wide… I’ll post again when they’re up and running!

4 Responses to “Expecting… in more ways than one!”

  1. Ashton says:

    Woo! Can’t wait 🙂

  2. admin says:

    Really enjoying the new shizz – on my second listen now!!!


  3. tobias says:

    Good to hear… Brooke has a pre-release copy, which I can’t release to the general public as there are still some minor mix issues to sort out, but I promise I’ll get at least some samples up shortly… t

  4. admin says:

    Really digging it, man…the peeps are gonna drool out their ears!!!

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