Archive for June, 2006

‘Best of’ Soundtrack???

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

Your fav’ tracks from all 4 discs!

Is this something that

folks might be keen on getting?

Come to Comicon!!!

Trouble in the Hen-house…? (Haiku)

Wednesday, June 7th, 2006

There is a joke here

About hunters and their prey

WARNING – we have claws.

(I can bitch with the best of them…but this is certainly interesting.)

BS pals getting bigger every day!

Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

Crowned King, a band that kindly donated killer performances for two of our past concerts, has just released their new video – One in a Million. Considering the budgets afforded to up-and-coming Canuckle artists, this is a damn nifty piece of work (and never let it be said that I don’t support the use of trombone in modern music…rusty, or otherwise). Scope it out, and spread the good word!

Birthday Ponderings (Haiku)

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

Another year clings

like a shadow at your feet

learn to embrace it

this is getting out of hand…

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

(posted by tobias)
I am, unbelievably, writing from 35,000 feet in the air. Not just writing, mind you, but posting a blog entry. We are travelling at 575 miles per hour, and are somewhere north of Turkey, if the electronic map in front of me is to be believed. South of Yalta. A friendly man just came through the cabin with free vouchers to try the onboard broadband wireless LAN for 30 minutes for free. We are definitely entering the twilight zone.

Stranger still is the fact that Lars, the bassist with whom I will be playing for the next 4 months, is sitting next to me and talking to his girlfriend on Skype. This is truly insane…

Anyway. I will try to post again soon, but for now I thought I’d say Hi, just because – again, unbelievably – I can. wiiiieeeeeerd….

Friday Ferry Frenzy (Haiku)

Friday, June 2nd, 2006

Watch the door open

to new possibilities

closer and closer