(posted by tobias)
Hey folks, tobias here. Posting on Brooke’s behalf as he’s gone all French on us and is holed up in Paris eating baguettes and escargots. At least I hope so.
So it falls upon me to unveil that which we have been oh-so-mysteriously hinting at for weeks – well, part of it anyway. We hereby proudly present our latest animated extravaganza: Hellboy II – The Golden Army… the animated prologue. (it’s linked, along with a new live action trailer, from the Apple Trailers front page)
This one is mainly Brooke, Adam and myself, along with Michael Dobson (voice of Oran) in the lead role and some new faces in the animation department. So, check it out, let us know what you think… and stay tuned, there’s more in the pipeline… -t
And here`s the Youtubery for good measure! xoxobb