Archive for June, 2008

Seeing Red…

Sunday, June 29th, 2008

(posted by tobias)

Hey folks, tobias here. Posting on Brooke’s behalf as he’s gone all French on us and is holed up in Paris eating baguettes and escargots. At least I hope so.

So it falls upon me to unveil that which we have been oh-so-mysteriously hinting at for weeks – well, part of it anyway. We hereby proudly present our latest animated extravaganza: Hellboy II – The Golden Army… the animated prologue. (it’s linked, along with a new live action trailer, from the Apple Trailers front page)

This one is mainly Brooke, Adam and myself, along with Michael Dobson (voice of Oran) in the lead role and some new faces in the animation department. So, check it out, let us know what you think… and stay tuned, there’s more in the pipeline… -t

And here`s the Youtubery for good measure! xoxobb

George Carlin: RIP

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

You won’t be forgotten anytime soon, Mr Motherfucker – give the Management a select word or two for us, will ya?


Friday, June 20th, 2008

…in a good way.

Sunday Karmic Musings

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

I dropped my stone
it fell hard
but unheard
swallowed by a Lake
with no bottom
or edge

I saw the splash
felt the ripples
slither past
like quiet serpents
coughed up
from the Mud

I knew the rock
was gone
but the waves were proof
that it fell
that there was an impact
if only for Me

The next Python…?

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

That’s what some folks seem to think of NY sketch-comedy troupe Human Giant

Jury’s still out for me – but I will say that I’ve been gobbling up their Season 1 DVD and ‘Tube vids like Skittle-eatin’ motherfuckah…

Monday Fan Fun (Haiku)

Sunday, June 8th, 2008

Tyler’s ‘Black Album’

Originally uploaded by Broken Saints.

Tyler’s ‘Black Album’

Shows Shan’ in different light

Good and Bad = INSIDE

Damn, I wish I were half this cool!

Saturday, June 7th, 2008

  • “we play recap rock!”

(posted by tobias)

File this under ‘I wish I’d thought of that’… a concept band where every song is a recap of a Lost episode. From the Wired Blog Network article: (I wanted to post this before the event in question but the blog was broken… I still think it’s pretty clever, so I’m posting it anyway)

… headed by 20-year-old New York University musician Adam Schatz and Jeff Curtin, [Previously On Lost] has been releasing a recap song laden with all the hard-to-track action following each episode of the ABC show for the last 12 weeks. The songs are hilarious and cool, somewhat like a frantic mash of Frank Zappa and Flaming Lips with a dose of old Disney musicals for good measure.

Previously on Lost will premiere the final song of season four live this Sunday night at New York’s Knitting Factory… That performance will be the official recording, so if you’re at the show and want to participate, the band promises “you’ll be on the record.” All 12 songs will be performed in order before the finale. Expect an epic performance…

OK then, even if it is 1 day late…

Thursday, June 5th, 2008

(posted by tobias)


Blog’s Back Up!

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Thanks for the save, Simon – looks like we’re back in business 🙂

Expect lots of posts over the next three weeks – maybe even a newsletter, by golly!

Saintly Smooches


PS – Just received the following through the BS Myspace page…and goshdarnit, this is turning into one pretty awesome birthday:

I just finished the final disk last of BS last week. The reason it took me so long is because I watched the first disk an uncountable number of times before moving to the second. Every time I watched it, I felt like I got caught in a new part of it and lost my focus in meditating on a minor idea in the grand scheme. I finally finished the 3rd and 4th disks over two weeks which involved watching each episode several times and more than a few reviews of the 1st and 2nd disk.
The message is so profound. It encompasses every nearly ineffable concept that I have been seeking clarity on. It is wonderful to know that at least one person on earth could portray such amazing Truths in such a short, powerful story. BS is a “text” to live by. I keep it close to my soul and share the word with anyone who will listen.
Bless you on your path and thank you so much for truly sharing your truth with me, personally. I hope you are well and have peace and prosperity in every day.