Archive for February, 2007

Jesus Christ Superstar! (Haiku)

Monday, February 26th, 2007

First Titanic…now this 😛

The fur is flying

The Messiah’s resting place

with wife and kids too???

The only entertaining bit from last night…

Monday, February 26th, 2007

…felt like skit from SNL.

Man – in a few years, I think I might be more jazzed to get an Independent Spirit Award nod!

Expecting… in more ways than one!

Saturday, February 24th, 2007

Mixing it up in Berlin!

Hey all, tobias here. Just to abuse my posting privileges with some more of my usual shameless self-promotion, I thought I’d mention that Athanasia hasn’t been the only one cooking something up over here. In addition to doing my father-to-be duties, I’ve been in the studio (above, a friend’s mixing suite) working on something I am really pretty proud of as well.

I posted a while back about my most recent musical project, Stillness3 (pronounced “Stillness trio” for those in the know), a kind of minimalist jazz/meditative/ambient concept group. I also linked to some samples of our preliminary jam session. Well, now would be a good time to check those out if you haven’t already, since in a very short time (as soon as I finalize the mixes) they will be removed and replaced by samples from our completed first album, which are MUCH BETTER and sound gorgeous and lush due to the stunning 9 foot Steinway concert grand and the fabulous acoustics of the Ballhaus Naunynstr, the lovely old hall we recorded in… and the collection of vintage and premium mics and preamps we assembled for the purpose. I’m really excited about these tracks, folks, and I sincerely hope you’ll dig them too and spread the word far and wide… I’ll post again when they’re up and running!

A few more digits down under…

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

Look out scratching post!!!

New Zealand feline

Endowed with 26 toes

And her name…Extra!!!

The Baking’s Almost Done (haiku)

Sunday, February 18th, 2007

Click for impending cuteness!!!

Bun in the oven

Preparing to greet the world

Tinker recipe!!!

Weekend Kitty Zen…

Saturday, February 17th, 2007

Mush, huskies!!!

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

Flying the rain-soaked coop of Vangroovy for the frozen tundra of Winni(Winter)peg – gots to be givin’ a seminar on them there New Medias and stuff.

Very kind (and, frankly, a little crazy) of the fine folks at the CHRC to extend the invite. I’ll try to impart a nugget or two of wisdom before hypothermia sets in 😛

Oh…and a Happy belated VD to everyone – may you all receive countless heart-shaped overtures and affordable penicillin prescriptions!



Lynch in France…

Monday, February 12th, 2007

…on his new flick INLAND EMPIRE, Cinema as Art, Web 2.0, dead bodies, dreams of Twin Peaks, and…Chuck Norris?



Monday, February 12th, 2007

Long in the tooth. Thin in the hair. Canned back-up. Still frickin’ cool to see.

Saints in Motion…

Sunday, February 11th, 2007

Broken Saints – Chapter 1
Uploaded by B

(just started posting chappies over at, as they don’t have time or size limits as strict as YouTube’s. Heck, they even have all three seasons of Justice League Unlimited! :D)