(UPDATE – I removed this video because it made the site hitch…and I just hate Snyder’s voice ahahahah)
May 2009 bring us all health, happiness…and a worthy Watchmen at last (unless Zach Snyder’s idiocy or FOX’s lawyers have their way :P)
(UPDATE – I removed this video because it made the site hitch…and I just hate Snyder’s voice ahahahah)
May 2009 bring us all health, happiness…and a worthy Watchmen at last (unless Zach Snyder’s idiocy or FOX’s lawyers have their way :P)
…and to all a good LIFE 🙂
(one night simply doesn’t cut it…I think we deserve more on your birthday, Mr C)
Bountiful blessings to everyone from our quiet corner of the globe!
It’s kinda like Where’s Waldo…but more obvious 😉
Snap – 54-40 from Divine Industries on Vimeo.
Many thanks to Oliver, Ante, 54-40, and especially Kathi Moore (who did free costume work on the BS trailer…turns out this was the quid-pro-quo!) – lots of late-night homeless fun 😀
…the season makes me go all musical-ish 🙂
And I will never stop loving Les Mis’!
Any other Colm Wilkinson fans out there…anywhere?
(posted by tobias… sorry, it’s been a while.. more soon…)
too funny not to share…