Archive for June, 2006

Friday Haiku Fun…

Thursday, June 29th, 2006


Tick-tock. Almost time

to revisit the V-word.

No…not vagina

Where is Reverend Billy when you need him?

Wednesday, June 28th, 2006

Originally uploaded by tobias.

(posted by tobias)

Here is Dubai’s entry for the most beautiful setting for… a Starbucks. Actually the picture doesn’t really adequately convey the grandeur of this fantastic dome, the mosaic patterns gorgeously lit… minus the cafe, you might think it’s a Mosque, but actually it’s a Mall: the new Ibn Battuta complex, six connected ‘courts’ inspired by the architecture of various countries visited by the 14th-century geographer known as the ‘Arabic marco Polo’.

“Ibn Battuta was the only medieval traveller who is known to have visited the lands of every Muslim ruler of his time. He also travelled in Ceylon (present Sri Lanka), China and Byzantium and South Russia. The mere extent of his travels is estimated at no less than 75,000 miles, a figure which is not likely to have been surpassed before the age of steam.”

I wonder what he would have thought of the new Frappuchino flavours? Anyway, more thoughts and pics to appear shortly at my other blog

Tasty tidbits taunt and tantalize!!!

Monday, June 26th, 2006

Trying to savour the sun up here in Van’ (a rarity, to be sure), but a lingering malady has been draining my joy. Still, there are a host of warm fuzzies landing unexpectedly on the doorstep, so I thought I’d spread the news and maybe find a little healing mojo in the process:

– the final packaging arrived today, complete with slipsheet, chapter booklet, Comicon banner inserts, creator message, and a gorgeous LEAR/SPEC/SILO folded blueprint! If I had to name one thing that I’m most satisfied with regarding the Fox release of our junk, it would be this…

– OR, it might be the limited edition pack-in ‘BEGINNINGS‘ comic that we made with VIRGIN, which we just received finished proofs of. Drew’s two covers look smokin’ (one’s a Comicon exclusive), and the interior art ain’t too shabby either. The 16-page story teases events just before the series begins, and finds our four reluctant heroes already wrestling with a sense of deep foreboding….

– not only did Ian (along with his trusty ward Caleb) spend the bulk of last week creating an ungodly heap of promo stuff for Comicon, but he also rocked the old web skills to post our new front page! Lots of sweet diversions there including linkies to the Fox and Amazon shops (for pre-ordering), the new MySpace DVD page, our Wiki listing, and even the Saintly Stumble-Upon group. Dope shit, indeed.

Michael Dobson (ORAN) and David Kaye(LEAR) have confirmed their attendance for Comicon! Not only will they be signing swag at the BS Booth, but they’ll also be featured on our crucial Saturday panel at the big show. These are great men, people – true giants of the local voiceover biz’ – and we’re damn honoured to have them grace the saintly space.

– the New Year’s Eve promo marathon of BS on Book Television won a TV-industry award last week! Oh…and our trailer’s on the Nightwatch and What the Bleep (Rabbit Hole) DVDs!! OH…and it’s confirmed that another hefty Telefilm grant has officially come down the pipe!!! I wonder what that could be for…?

So yeah…I may be having a health hiccup or two, but the good news continues to soothe. Expect a newsletter later in the week, where I’ll likely go into detail on the above (and more?) as we count down the three weeks until Broken Saints invades San Diego – hope to see you there!!!

Peace – Love – Word is Bond


Still hip with the cultural skewering

Thursday, June 22nd, 2006


There is a beautiful truth here…

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006

Even the greatest of us dangles upon strings.

Swag Haiku!!!

Tuesday, June 20th, 2006

Nobothi Shows Us How It’s Done!

All the old goodies

are about to get new friends

three weeks and counting!!!

More Mac Madness (Weekend Haikooery)

Saturday, June 17th, 2006

“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall…”

Is Lasch proven right?

Have we finally become

complete narcissists?

Comicon Swag Haiku!

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006


Another reason

to come to San Diego

worn close to the heart!

(we’re lining up goodies and giveaways up the virtual wazoo EVERY day at the big show next month, along with special guests, some awesome announcements, the big Saturday panel, and a fan-only party! Keep ’em peeled on your inbox for newsletter details next week, or sign up HERE and HERE for a chance to snag the most exclusive of schtuff. Only 4 weeks remaining, gang…so rev it up, and help us make a splash in Southern Cali!)

Too…Much…PRESSURE!!! (Haiku)

Monday, June 12th, 2006

An Apple a day…fucks with my head.

The Con in five weeks

Vidfest blowout this Friday

Relief in new toys!!!

when your fishtank is this big…

Sunday, June 11th, 2006

Originally uploaded by tobias.

… you know you have a bit of a perspective problem…

Just a note that i have posted a fairly long blurb, for any who might be curious, about my first week here in Dubai, or rather at the hotel, since so far i have hardly left the premises. Many pics too. Here’s the link…

– tobias